We've been pretty much hit hard by typhoon Ketsana but fortunately, my community only suffered power failures, water shortage and internet downtime. I want to dedicate this humble post to pay respects to the unfortunate victims of this calamity.

And as we are still recuperating from the effects of Ketsana, there is another storm brewing and possibly hit us again. Our country enters the Rainy Season starting from July to December and typhoons are just normal for us. However, for the past few years, more typhoons start to show up and with varying intensity. Ketsana is just a minor typhoon (by our standards) - something that normally won't bother us except for minor annoyances. But what it left in its wake is truly devastating and unbelievable. There are no strong winds - just an insane amount of rainfall. Imagine, even the elevated areas that never experienced flooding before went underwater in a few hours of continuous rainfall. Small creeks turned into wild rivers. Rivers turned into torrents of debris, mud, bodies, trees and even whole houses. They even overflowed over bridges - something that never happened before.
This is just the beginning and I am truly convinced that this is one obvious and horrifying proof of global warming. These freak weather behaviors are something that we can't control nor prevent. And of course, no one is safe... its generally our fault anyway.
Take care guys.