Yes, I have finished the whole walkthrough at last. You can download it
here and view it online
here. This final version of the guide has 98 pages including the EX stages and bosses. Enjoy!
Seal of ExcellenceI thought since I've been writing walkthroughs for a while now, it will be better to have a logo or something to become my trademark. I want it to be easily recognizable and since I really suck in making one, I just made it simple. From here on, you should see this logo in my PDF walkthroughs.

New walkthroughs in progressSince Vesperia is coming up, I thought it will be nice to get a little refresher. So, I've decided to play Tales of the Abyss and write a PDF walkthrough for it. I know the game's almost or over two years old already. But when I played it yesterday, it still has the charm to draw me in and play it all over again.
Also, me and fellow writer and friend Mogg13-42 decided to write a walkthrough for Final Fantasy IV. We have planned to write up
The World Ends with You together but she was given an exclusive task by IGN so it was postponed. Hopefully everything turns out okay; otherwise you'll see some partially finished walkthroughs for ToA, ToV and FFIV next month.